It seems impossible to always know what your body needs and when, which is often why there are a lot of people who find that they are dealing with a deficiency in one vitamin or another. Most people lack in calcium, vitamin c and vitamin d, but magnesium deficiency is another common problem that can have strange symptoms and very real consequences.

5 signs of magnesium deficiency

    1. Mental disorders: It seems strange that something like a mineral deficiency could cause a mental disorder, but it is actually the case for a lot of people. Common examples of mental disorders that could be caused with low or very low magnesium levels include depressions, delirium or apathy. These disorders could be short-term or long-term, depending on how severe the deficiency is and how long before it can be fixed.
    2. Osteoporosis or weak bones: While bones do general lose density and break with age and time, not getting enough magnesium can also create this prematurely, or minima its symptoms and problems. A combination of magnesium and calcium is best for strong and healthy bones.
    3. Heart disease indicators: Magnesium is thought to be one of the best and strongest combatants of heart disease.
      Therefore, magnesium deficiency means that you could be dealing with a set-in of heart disease symptoms or even trigger heart disease where proper nutrition could have helped prevent it.
    4. Heart arrhythmia: Magnesium is one part of the equation of a healthy heartbeat. If you aren’t getting the doctor-recommended amount of magnesium, you could find that you develop a heart arrhythmia simply because your heart needs it in order to pump and pace itself normally.
    5. Muscle twitches: Lastly, muscle twitches are common, but if you notice them in strange locations at strange intervals that simply can’t be connected to anything, it could actually be magnesium deficiency. While sore muscles and joints are more common symptoms, twitches of muscles often get overlooked because they’re so easily attributed to feeling tired or just a strange spasm for “no reason.”


What do I do now?

Seeing these strange and uncommon symptoms of magnesium may lead you to run to the closest pharmacy and grab a supplement in order to right the issue, but the reality is that the first step should be to your family doctor or other professional to get a test done. This will help you to determine what nutrients and minerals you are low on, and even how to add them into your diet with a combination of food changes or supplements.

Keeping an eye out for strange and unexpected symptoms like these is always good, too, because even if a magnesium deficiency is not actually the cause, it’s still good to know that these issues are happening and your doctor will be able to see them as possible indicators for an underlying condition that you otherwise may have missed. Being in tune with your body — regardless of what it is telling you — is always going to be a good thing for your short- and long-term health.