Do you think you have an allergy or an intolerance to certain foods? Yes? Have you taken a test to identify your food intolerances? No? Well, this is your first step. From there, you can identify your intolerances and learn what foods other items you need to avoid in order to get the best out of your lifestyle. Below, Test Your Intolerance have outlined the ten best ways you can manage your food intolerances.

1) Find Natural Foods

Remember, a lot of foods are naturally free from common food intolerances, including fruit and veg which we know you’ll be delighted to know about! However, you should still be careful and take an intolerance test to make sure! Next, are you partial to the odd bit of steak or other types of meat? You’re in luck, these are usually gluten-free (one of the most common food intolerances). However, as advised earlier, you should still take precautions.

2) Read the ingredients

Living with food intolerances can be incredibly irritating! You have to watch what you eat on a daily basis or you will suffer from the symptoms of your intolerance. Although checking each ingredient and the packaging can be tedious, it is important that you do so. Following this bit of advice will lead to a happier and healthier you!

2) Find alternatives

It sounds simple, but it is important that you use gluten-free substitutes in place of gluten-containing foods if you have an intolerance to gluten. Not everyone does it, but it is essential to make sure that you can live a happy and healthy life. In most supermarket stores, you will find gluten alternatives, including pasta, bread rolls and cereals. But please, when you are doing your grocery shopping, make sure you read the ingredients carefully.

3) Enjoy a Healthy Diet

If you choose to consume a healthy diet, you may find it easier than you initially thought. By changing the odd eating habit here and there, you can begin to realise just how beneficial a healthy diet is and how important and easy it is to manage your food intolerances.

4) Learn your Food Intolerances

Struggling to identify your symptoms? You may have a food intolerance. Take a test today in order to find out. The top 14 food allergens include Celery, Cereals, Eggs, Fish and Milk. Don’t forget peanuts and nuts! They can have a detrimental effect on your lifestyle.

5) Enjoy the Environment

Food intolerances can have a detrimental effect on your lifestyle, both mentally and physically. However, you should not worry! By managing your intolerances, you can relax and enjoy the environment that you are in, as following our advice, you have planned ahead and made sure that the environment and ingredients will not cause any of your symptoms.

6) Uh Oh! Avoid Alcohol!

Boooo! The advice no one wants to hear, but it is a must for some of us. Affecting your body in more ways than you can imagine, you can easily develop an intolerance to alcohol, particularly if you have overindulged on a certain brand and alcohol.

7) Keep a Food Diary

Keeping a food diary can help you to track the way you feel, your emotions and how your body reacts to certain foods. This way, alongside an intolerance test, you can learn exactly which foods are causing your body pain. Dreaming of a life free of food intolerances? How good does that sound?!

8) Understand the difference between an allergy and a food intolerance

An intolerance is when the body reacts in a negative way when exposed to certain items. This should not be confused with an allergy, which is a more severe reaction and tends to be a lifelong condition. To find out more about this particular subject, click here.

9) Be Sensible and Healthy

Again, this may be an obvious one but it is not one that everyone follows. Do not think that one little bite will not hurt you if you have a food intolerance or allergy, because it will. Make sure you find those healthy foods and stick to them, it could lead to a happier and healthier you!

10) Take a Sensitivity Test

Yeah, you guessed it. You should definitely take a sensitivity test if you haven’t already, as it may help to explain your mysterious symptoms. If you are not sure, you can always log on to and chat with our customer service advisors who will happily explain the process to you and help you to pick the right test! Go on, you know you want to!