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Fatigued Man Image

3 Reasons You Need to Stop the Feeling of Fatigue

If you find yourself feeling dragged out all of the time, you certainly are not alone.  More and more people find themselves permanently exhausted.  When it comes to fatigue, its potential causes and reasons why you need to kick it in the butt, here’s what you should know. Common causes of fatigue: While this is […]

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Going on holiday with a food allergy

A holiday should be a fun time to enjoy some much-needed R and R with loved ones.  However, a food allergy can sometimes dampen the festivities. Despite the fact that the person cannot control their allergies or how they react to something, it can be a common frustration when travellers need to leave certain places […]

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Your food sensitivities analysis

What is a food sensitivity? Food sensitivity/intolerance symptoms happen when the body has difficulty digesting a particular food. This can lead to symptoms like bloat, headaches, fatigue and uncomfortable bowels. Having food sensitivities can cause food sensitivity symptoms such as nausea. Unfortunately, if you suffer from a food intolerance, then it can also cause indications […]

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Bloated Woman

Reducing your digestive symptoms

We’ve all suffered from digestive symptoms of some frequency, at some point in our lives.  For most of us, the worst thing to experience is a bloated stomach! Do you find yourself dealing with a bloated stomach more often than you’d like?  If so, it might be more than just a passing issue.  Below, you […]

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Skin Rashes and Eczema symptoms

In terms of skin rashes and eczema as symptoms, people want to know what relationship they have with food allergies and intolerances. So, it is time to answer the all-important question: is there a relationship between skin rashes, eczema, and food allergies and intolerances? The answer is yes. What causes food allergies and their symptoms? First […]

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