Bioresonance therapy and bioresonance testing are Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM). These represent a diverse group of services, products, and practices that fall outside conventional medicine.
Complementary therapy is best when used alongside conventional medicine or treatment, while alternative therapy is used instead of conventional medicine or treatment.
We categorize bioresonance testing as a sensitivity test. The sensitivity test is a non-IgE-mediated test and does not make a medical diagnosis, nor is it intended to substitute for professional medical advice.
We recommend you seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health providers if you have a medical condition or suspected condition that requires treatment.
Bioresonance therapy uses the information from a living organism which is stored as a resonance or energy.
Hair strands are used to obtain a sample of this resonance frequency using MARS III (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems) machines in a purpose-built lab and compare them against registered item frequencies on a database.
Our test database compares food items, non-food items, vitamins, minerals, metals, enzymes, and bacteria to establish levels in the body and any imbalance against the recorded optimal frequency in the MARS III database.
Hair samples submitted to our labs are tested against up to 975 recorded items. Any item showing a frequency response of 85% or above is noted on the results as an abnormality.

Tried and tested globally
Bioresonance techniques have been used globally since the 1970s, in countries and continents such as Australia, Asia, Europe, New Zealand and Russia.
Non-invasive method
The technique is non-invasive and is not linked with any potential side effects. It has become increasingly popular as an alternative tool for aiding in various diagnoses.
Simple yet informative results
Bioresonance therapy offers a method for identifying multiple feedback results in one single session.
Disputed efficacy
There is currently a low level of scientific papers regarding bioresonance as an accurate indicator of medical conditions or disease or effective treatment for any medical condition.
Claimed as pseudoscience?
Some researchers have questioned bioresonance therapy as statements or research that is claimed to be scientific/factual evidence is not published by appropriate scientific methods or forums.
Inconsistent results
In some studies, bioresonance therapy did not show consistency of results and therefore requires further research and scientific papers.
We use Bioresonance to perform our sensitivity testing.
Bioresonance testing is a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). As a CAM, Bioresonance therapy is recognized as a therapy method by practitioners and peers Worldwide.
However, conventional medicine does not currently recognize Bioresonance as it has not been subject to sufficient scientific research.
We provide complete information on the technology and additional evidence of Bioresonance; read on to find out more.
Our Equipment ‘MARS III’ (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems) is manufactured and listed as a medical scanning device class IIa.
The test is secured by our 100% Money Back, No Quibble Guarantee.
We have a 99.5% customer satisfaction rating too.
Bioresonance is classed as a Complementary Therapy.
Results do not substantiate a medical diagnosis, nor is it intended as a substitute for professional medical advice.
Bioresonance tests lack sufficient clinical papers regarding intolerances or allergies.

Top athletes use Bioresonance to aid rapid recovery from serious injuries whilst maintaining a balance of optimum health and sports performance.
Before setting up their own business around bio-resonance technology, four members of the Swedish Cross Country Skiing team (Mathias and Thobias Fredriksson, Anders Södergren, and Björn Lindrely) discovered bioresonance technology offered a safer and non-intrusive means to optimize and enhance individuals’ physical and mental performance.
During preparations for major championships, the team uses this technology to aid the fast recovery of injuries sustained and stay at the peak of physical fitness.
Complementary Therapies
Complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) cover a wide range of therapies & can become part of an overall functional medicine healthcare plan.
Therapies and practices, which are considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), include:
Whilst there is scientific evidence supporting CAM therapies and treatment methods, many can lack thorough scientific studies to support claims and benefits.

The scientific research into this technology can be discovered back to 1923 and the work of Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch.
Although research continued the main breakthrough came through the work of a German medical doctor Dr. Franz Morrell in the 1970s.
The use of technology and scientific research continues to grow year on year. We have attached to the right, just a few of the latest studies and scientific papers into this technology and also into the worldwide increase of allergies and intolerances.
Yoga Magazine has released a new article on food sensitivity testing. This new article explains how it works, how it can be beneficial, and several advice stories with positive health results towards food sensitivity testing. You can read the full article on our website!
The worldwide increase in intolerances:
The link between diet and allergies:
Biophysics and biochemistry:


Bio-Resonance Therapy for Digestive Disorders.pdf

Bio-Resonance Therapy for Hay Fever & Allergies.pdf




Clinical Studies And Observations On The Efficacy Of Bioresonance Therapy.pdf

Effectiveness of Energetic Physiology-Bioresonance.pdf